Basic Mechanical Engineering Questions (Part-1: Steam Boiler, Turbine & Power Plant)

Basic Mechanical Engineering Questions (Part-1: Steam Boiler, Turbine & Power Plant)

Basic Mechanical Engineering Questions 

Unit-1: Steam Boiler, Turbine & Power Plant


  1. Define steam generator? (See Details)
  2. What is the purpose of boiler? (See Details)
  3. What are the types of boilers used in the industries? (See Details)
  4. Give some primary requirements of boilers? (see details)
  5. What are the main parts of the boilers? (see details)
  6. What is meant by “GRATE” in the boiler? (see details)
  7. What is the main function of the fusible plug? (See Details)
  8. What are the main functions of the steam stop valve and safety valve? (see details)
  9. What is the maximum working pressure limit of simple vertical boiler?
  10. What are the salient features of Cochran boiler?
  11. What is meant by mountings? Name few of the mountings used in the boilers? (see details)
  12. What are major uses of water gauge and pressure gauge? (see details)
  13. Name few of the safety valves used in the boilers? (see details)
  14. What are the types of high pressure boilers?
  15. Differentiate evaporator and economizer?
  16. What is meant by cogeneration?
  17. Name two types of cogenerations systems?
  18. What are the applications of cogeneration?
  19. What is the main scope of cogeneration?
  20. Give two importance of energy conservation?
  21. Name few pollutants discharged by the thermal power plants?
  22. What is meant by prime movers?
  23. Give the classification of prime movers?
  24. What are the two types of steam turbines?
  25. What is meant by nozzle?
  26. Differentiate nozzle and diffuser?
  27. Differentiate impulse and reaction turbine? (see details)
  28. Define gas turbine?
  29. What are the types of gas turbines?
  30. Name few types of cycles used in the gas turbines?
  31. What is meant by hydraulic prime movers?
  32. Give the classification of hydraulic turbines according to the direction of flow?
  33. What is meant by penstock?
  34. What is meant by casing?
  35. What is draft tube? Give its purpose.
  36. What are the advantages of thermal power plant? (see details)
  37. Define reservoir?
  38. Name the classifications of hydro power plants?
  39. What is meant by chain reaction?
  40. What is meant by nuclear fission?
  41. Name the main components of nuclear power plant?
  42. List out the demerits of diesel engine power plants?
  43. List out the main function of a regenerator?
  44. Define combustion chamber?
  45. Compare intercooler and regenerator?
  46. Define compressor?
  47. What are the various kinds of non conventional energy sources?
  48. Give the applications of solar energy?
  49. What is butane boiler?
  50. Name the two types of solar collectors?
  51. What are the two types of wind mills according to the axis?
  52. Describe the main principle of tidal power plant?
  53. What is meant by flood tide?
  54. Define condenser? Why we are using condenser?
  55. Name the few factors considered while installing power plant?
  56. Give the functions of steam separator using in a geo thermal power plant?
  57. Write two advantages and disadvantages of tidal power plants?
  58. Describe the principle of wind mill?
  59. What are the materials used to absorb energy from the radiation in the solar collectors?


  1. Explain in detail of construction and working principle of simple vertical boiler?
  2. Explain the construction and working principles of Cochran and Lancashire boilers with neat sketches?
  3. What are the salient features of Cochran and Lancashire boilers?
  4. Explain in details about the construction and working principles of Babcock and Wilcox boiler?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of water tube boilers over fire tube boilers? (see details)
  6. Explain with neat diagrams of any four boiler mountings used in the steam boilers? (see details)
  7. What are the major advantages of high pressure boilers?
  8. Explain in detail about the working principle of Benson boiler with neat sketch?
  9. Describe the construction and working principle of Lamont boiler?
  10. Explain the working principles of Loeffler boiler according to their parts installed in that boiler?
  11. What are the two types of co generation systems cycles? Explain in detail with its layout?
  12. What are the benefits of cogeneration system? Explain.
  13. Draw and explain about the combined cycle cogeneration systems?
  14. What are the major importance's of energy conservation systems?
  15. What are the environmental constraints of power generations? Explain any three factors in detail.
  16. Draw and explain about impulse and reaction turbine? (see details)
  17. Explain with neat sketch of gas turbines and its cycles.
  18. Draw and explain the construction and working principles of Pelton wheel and kaplan turbine?
  19. Explain the steam power plant layout according to the various circuits with neat sketch.
  20. Explain the hydraulic electric power plant layout with neat sketch.
  21. Draw and explain in details about the nuclear power plant. Mention the advantages and disadvantages.
  22. Explain the diesel power plant with neat sketch? Give some applications.
  23. Explain with neat sketch of gas turbines power plant. Mention the advantages and disadvantages.
  24. Explain in detail any three non conventional energy sources systems layout with neat sketch?
  25. Explain the construction and working principles of locomotive boiler with neat sketch?

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